A Symposium Celebration

On Thursday 28 December we hosted ‘A Symposium on Energy & Environmental Flows’ to celebrate Professor Andy Woods’ 60th birthday.

It was a wonderful event, with a packed schedule of talks throughout the day on topics from volcanic eruptions, ocean circulation, glaciology, and carbon dioxide removal technologies, to ‘how to stop your Granny catching fire’!

Guest speakers from Bristol joined our own experts from the Institute and the wider university, delivering insightful and entertaining presentations whilst paying tribute to Andy and the impact he has had on their lives. The enthusiasm of the speakers and the event’s high attendance were testament to the enormous influence Andy has had on countless researchers, and the day was the perfect way to celebrate our Head of Institute.

Thank you again to all of our speakers. The full list of talks can be found below.

Happy Birthday Andy!

From top left to bottom right, talks by Ali Mashayek, Sir Steve Sparks, Alex Routh, & Colm Caulfield

Talks List:

Jerry Phillips – Bristol University – ‘Assessing Long-range Volcanic Ash Impacts: Effects of Regional Volcanic Eruptions on UK Infrastructure

Sir Steve Sparks – Bristol University – ‘Episodic explosive activity during the 2020-21 eruption of Soufriere St Vincent

Sasha Turchyn – Earth Sciences – ‘Preservation biases and the record of ocean chemistry on Earth

Jerome Neufeld – IEEF & Earth Sciences / DAMTP – ‘Surfing the subglacial wave

Ed Tipper – Earth Sciences – ‘Quantifying whether carbon dioxide removal strategies such as enhanced weathering actually work

Alex Routh – IEEF & Chemical Engineering – ‘The conformation of organic friction modifiers at sheared metal interfaces

Ali Mashayek – IEEF & Earth Sciences – ‘What the Munk did he mean? On self-optimization of the mixing-driven deep ocean circulation’

Jie Li – IEEF & Engineering – ‘A Second Order Curved Boundary-Conforming Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian Method for Interfacial Dynamics

Stuart Clarke – IEEF & Chemistry – ‘Advice for the Elderly – Colloid Science in the Care-home

Colm Caulfield – IEEF & DAMTP – ‘In search of stratified turbulence

Nicky White – Earth Sciences – ‘Time-lapse volumetric imaging of a moving target

Marie Edmonds – Earth Sciences – ‘Magma mingling during the 1959 Kilauea Iki eruption, Hawaii